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Join the Queens team

Being a member of the Queen's team means joining a team of accomplished professionals all working towards the same goal; Offering exceptional services to exceptional clients.


For Hair Stylists, we operate in 2 models: Queen's team members or rent a chair. As a full-time or part-time member of the team, you will be paid hourly and earn commission from each client, 




The studio is a beautiful, bright, and airy space located in a prime location on Peckham high street, with lots of footfall. Peckham is a bustling and soulful South East London suburb, with a mix of art spaces, independent restaurants, and breweries. 


mix of art spaces, independent restaurants & breweries,


We have a beautiful, bright, airy studio in a prime location on Peckham high street in South East London. And if you haven't heard of Peckham, it's an area bursting with soul and culture and has 



Queen's is a collective of the finest talent in the hair and beauty industry. We want to build a space where our clientele have access to a wide range of treatments, 



Our mission is simple, offer a range of exceptional services to our exceptional clients. As a member of the Queen's team you'll be joining an accomplished groyp


As London's finest hair and beauty collective, it is our duty to give you, an exceptional, passionate professional, the platform to showcase their tan



At Queen's, we give you, a talented and passionate beauty professional, the platform to showcase your skills to our diverse clientele in South East London. 



At Queen's we have made it our mission to showcase the best talent in the hair and beauty industry to our diverse clientele. As a member of the London's finest hair and beauty collective, you'll be joining an accomplished group of professionals with the common goal to give people in the community 



As a hair and beauty collective, Queen's has made it their mission to showcase the finest talent in the hair and beauty industry to their South East London clientele. 



A group of professionals with the common goal to give people in the community extraordinary customer service and hair. Working together to make people happy



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